Gretchen Whitmer Stands Up to Trump


Sep 20, 2017
He's a lying fascist, dictator? Sounds more like her
Why don't you put these TDS threads in the political forum?

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Provides a Lesson in What States Shouldn't Do To Stop a Pandemic

Some protestors were nasty and went overboard, but her harsh tactics will sap her legitimacy at a critical juncture.

If any politician is looking for a lesson on how not to deal with the coronavirus crisis, they would do well to look at Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). Even if you have zero sympathy with the people who violated basic social distancing rules yesterday to protest Whitmer's new stay-at-home-order, you should at least understand that her policy was bound to spark an ugly blowback.

The spread of coronavirus represents a massive failure of public health authorities, but Americans everywhere—including in Michigan, where I live—have thus far willingly complied with their edicts. It has been amazing to see just how completely American society has transformed itself in three short weeks: Businesses that have been deemed non-essential have shut down, laying off millions of workers. The ones that are still operating are letting their employees telecommute from home. Grocery stores have become thinly populated because shoppers are limiting their trips. Every store near me has erected spit barriers between cashiers and shoppers and some are disinfecting every single cart before use. The vast majority of shoppers wear masks (regardless of whether local laws mandate this or not), sanitize their hands a gazillion times before touching items, and refrain from unloading their carts when someone else is checking out. Drivers wipe down pumps and steering wheels. Park visitors maintain a scrupulous six-foot distance

Most local lockdowns have their share of nuttiness (for example, in Florida and D.C., you can walk through parks but not sit down) and excesses (a Colorado* man was handcuffed for playing with his daughter in an empty softball field). But so long as the ratio of good sense to nonsense is relatively high, for the most part Americans have gone along. Irate residents and partisans seeking to exploit these measures for political gain have been marginalized.

But that changed in Michigan with Whitmer's new executive order that not only extended the state's shelter-in-place mandate till the end of the month—something most everyone had expected and accepted—but added arguably the country's most draconian and nonsensical provisions.

Even as neighboring Indiana and Ohio are relaxing their orders and the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency guidelines are classifying more industries as "essential" so that they can reopen and minimize the economic hit from the shutdown, Whitmore has gone the other way on the pretext that Michigan has the third-highest share of coronavirus cases in the country.

She ordered big box stores to stop selling paint, carpets, and other home-improvement material not considered essential, though as Reason's Billy Binion reported, she does allow lottery ticket sales, probably because the proceeds go to the state's K-12 funds.

She shut down lawn-care services. Contender's Tree and Lawn Specialist Inc., a company that purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars of fertilizer and other supplies had to stop spraying its plants in the middle of spring season, risking its entire crop. (Michigan's gardening industry, with an estimated retail value of $580 million to $700 million and 9,000 employees, faces a complete loss this year if it isn't able to operate soon.)

In addition to large gatherings, she also barred families that don't share a home from getting together, preventing one man from seeing his girlfriend of 14 years because she doesn't live with him.

She forbade families from traveling to their vacation cottages in northern Michigan, a popular springtime activity in Michigan. She shut down golf courses and prohibited motorized boats, although non-motorized ones are allowed, for some reason

This is arbitrary and irrational micromanagement that has understandably irritated many residents.

What's more, Whitmer has decreed that violations will count as misdemeanors punishable by up to a $1,000 civil fine. Criminal penalties are also on the table, should prosecutors choose to pursue that. Meanwhile, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has gone full China and is encouraging employees to rat out their bosses and call the police if they try to open up shop in violation of the lockdown.

What's so outrageous about all this is that the new businesses and activities that Whitmer is targeting can all be safely conducted while adhering to strict social distancing rules. But Whitmer's theory apparently is that anything beyond absolutely essential conduct jeopardizes frontline workers. This is the precautionary principle on steroids. It considers even an infinitesimal increase in secondary risk as unacceptable, a mindset that could justify stopping virtually any activity anytime.

That's why this order has disrupted the political equilibrium in support of her efforts. To date, hardly any legal challenges have been filed against any stay-at-home orders. But Whitmer's new order has already prompted four Michigan residents, including the guy who can't see his girlfriend, and Contender's, the landscaping company, to sue her for violating their right to free association and perpetrating an uncompensated regulatory taking. More lawsuits might well be underway.

A Facebook group called Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantining—whose very name suggests that it isn't opposed to reasonable quarantining—gained steam with over 282,000 members. Four Michigan sheriffs have declared that they won't enforce parts of Whitmer's executive order that they view as unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Operation Gridlock, which was mounted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition inviting motorists to drive to Lansing, the state's capital, and shut down its roads, elicited a massive response Wednesday. Thousands of Michigan residents heeded the call and created an hours-long traffic snarl.

Although the motorists adhered to the social distancing rules as they were advised, the protest also brought out a lot of nasty gun-toting thugs onto the streets. Michigan Proud Boys, a supremacist outfit, blocked the intersection around a hospital. Not only did they ignore safety guidelines, exposing themselves and others to the virus just when Michigan was beginning to flatten the curve, they also waved Confederate flags and chanted "lock her up."

This is horrifying and indefensible.

However, Whitmer ought to take the pushback from responsible protesters seriously. She needs to use the minimal force necessary—not the maximum possible—to maintain public buy-in. If she is seen as too power-hungry, she will lose legitimacy. Instead of defeating coronavirus, she'll spark civil unrest.

Jun 4, 2018
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Provides a Lesson in What States Shouldn't Do To Stop a Pandemic

Some protestors were nasty and went overboard, but her harsh tactics will sap her legitimacy at a critical juncture.

If any politician is looking for a lesson on how not to deal with the coronavirus crisis, they would do well to look at Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D). Even if you have zero sympathy with the people who violated basic social distancing rules yesterday to protest Whitmer's new stay-at-home-order, you should at least understand that her policy was bound to spark an ugly blowback.

The spread of coronavirus represents a massive failure of public health authorities, but Americans everywhere—including in Michigan, where I live—have thus far willingly complied with their edicts. It has been amazing to see just how completely American society has transformed itself in three short weeks: Businesses that have been deemed non-essential have shut down, laying off millions of workers. The ones that are still operating are letting their employees telecommute from home. Grocery stores have become thinly populated because shoppers are limiting their trips. Every store near me has erected spit barriers between cashiers and shoppers and some are disinfecting every single cart before use. The vast majority of shoppers wear masks (regardless of whether local laws mandate this or not), sanitize their hands a gazillion times before touching items, and refrain from unloading their carts when someone else is checking out. Drivers wipe down pumps and steering wheels. Park visitors maintain a scrupulous six-foot distance

Most local lockdowns have their share of nuttiness (for example, in Florida and D.C., you can walk through parks but not sit down) and excesses (a Colorado* man was handcuffed for playing with his daughter in an empty softball field). But so long as the ratio of good sense to nonsense is relatively high, for the most part Americans have gone along. Irate residents and partisans seeking to exploit these measures for political gain have been marginalized.

But that changed in Michigan with Whitmer's new executive order that not only extended the state's shelter-in-place mandate till the end of the month—something most everyone had expected and accepted—but added arguably the country's most draconian and nonsensical provisions.

Even as neighboring Indiana and Ohio are relaxing their orders and the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency guidelines are classifying more industries as "essential" so that they can reopen and minimize the economic hit from the shutdown, Whitmore has gone the other way on the pretext that Michigan has the third-highest share of coronavirus cases in the country.

She ordered big box stores to stop selling paint, carpets, and other home-improvement material not considered essential, though as Reason's Billy Binion reported, she does allow lottery ticket sales, probably because the proceeds go to the state's K-12 funds.

She shut down lawn-care services. Contender's Tree and Lawn Specialist Inc., a company that purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars of fertilizer and other supplies had to stop spraying its plants in the middle of spring season, risking its entire crop. (Michigan's gardening industry, with an estimated retail value of $580 million to $700 million and 9,000 employees, faces a complete loss this year if it isn't able to operate soon.)

In addition to large gatherings, she also barred families that don't share a home from getting together, preventing one man from seeing his girlfriend of 14 years because she doesn't live with him.

She forbade families from traveling to their vacation cottages in northern Michigan, a popular springtime activity in Michigan. She shut down golf courses and prohibited motorized boats, although non-motorized ones are allowed, for some reason

This is arbitrary and irrational micromanagement that has understandably irritated many residents.

What's more, Whitmer has decreed that violations will count as misdemeanors punishable by up to a $1,000 civil fine. Criminal penalties are also on the table, should prosecutors choose to pursue that. Meanwhile, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has gone full China and is encouraging employees to rat out their bosses and call the police if they try to open up shop in violation of the lockdown.

What's so outrageous about all this is that the new businesses and activities that Whitmer is targeting can all be safely conducted while adhering to strict social distancing rules. But Whitmer's theory apparently is that anything beyond absolutely essential conduct jeopardizes frontline workers. This is the precautionary principle on steroids. It considers even an infinitesimal increase in secondary risk as unacceptable, a mindset that could justify stopping virtually any activity anytime.

That's why this order has disrupted the political equilibrium in support of her efforts. To date, hardly any legal challenges have been filed against any stay-at-home orders. But Whitmer's new order has already prompted four Michigan residents, including the guy who can't see his girlfriend, and Contender's, the landscaping company, to sue her for violating their right to free association and perpetrating an uncompensated regulatory taking. More lawsuits might well be underway.

A Facebook group called Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantining—whose very name suggests that it isn't opposed to reasonable quarantining—gained steam with over 282,000 members. Four Michigan sheriffs have declared that they won't enforce parts of Whitmer's executive order that they view as unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Operation Gridlock, which was mounted by the Michigan Conservative Coalition inviting motorists to drive to Lansing, the state's capital, and shut down its roads, elicited a massive response Wednesday. Thousands of Michigan residents heeded the call and created an hours-long traffic snarl.

Although the motorists adhered to the social distancing rules as they were advised, the protest also brought out a lot of nasty gun-toting thugs onto the streets. Michigan Proud Boys, a supremacist outfit, blocked the intersection around a hospital. Not only did they ignore safety guidelines, exposing themselves and others to the virus just when Michigan was beginning to flatten the curve, they also waved Confederate flags and chanted "lock her up."

This is horrifying and indefensible.

However, Whitmer ought to take the pushback from responsible protesters seriously. She needs to use the minimal force necessary—not the maximum possible—to maintain public buy-in. If she is seen as too power-hungry, she will lose legitimacy. Instead of defeating coronavirus, she'll spark civil unrest.
This is what I like to see from you ..... nice , thoughtful post , not the garbage you spew at savage . Thankyou)(&

New member
Jan 11, 2008
Nobody cares what you like pimple face. Go back to fuckin your rabbits or starting useless threads

Jun 4, 2018
Lottery tix aren't " essential " :hahahahah you can get an abortion done in Michigan ..... yes folks , you can KILL a human being in Michigan during the lockdown because that's " essential" but you can't buy ' seeds' for your garden ? Or certain items in grocery stores / big box stores . My friend in d.c says whitmer is a power hungry bitch whose name is short-listed on the v.p. list

Apr 2, 2020
Queen Gretchen gave us Detroit-area residents a preview of her heavy-handed ways
a few months ago with The Vaping Debacle. Her Royal Highness banned all flavored
vaping products amid a hysteria over teenage usage and a surge in "lung injury" cases
all over the United States (Wow, that's about 52 per state!).

Smoke shops and other businesses were expected to just eat their losses and suck-up
the lost revenue, even if they had to go belly up! This, despite the fact they were marketing
a legal product that had been vigorously examined and approved as safe! And never mind
that thousands of cigarette smokers had successfully quit their unhealthy habit for a more
benign one....Momma Gretchen was calling the shots here!

Or, she THOUGHT she was.

Her ridiculous order has since been nullified by a Michigan appeals court, and the Michigan
Supreme Court agreed in late December.

As it turns out, MOST of the "lung injuries" in our state were to teens (and children) WHO

...And many cases involved illegally made, bootleg vaping products and substances that are
illegal for underage people to use, such as marijuana, which is LEGAL for adults in MI.

But 'Ol Gret doesn't care about these details. If she and her dyke Attorney General, Dana
Nessel, don't like something, they snarl and ban it.

F*ckin' women....always thinkin' they know what's best. Even when they clearly don't!

Apr 2, 2020
To clarify the first paragraph in my post above: The initial ban was in reaction to
more than 2600 "lung-injury" cases across the country, hence the average of 52
per state.

Apr 2, 2020
To clarify the first paragraph in my post above: The initial ban was in reaction to
more than 2600 "lung-injury" cases across the country, hence the average of 52
per state.

Which aren't a whole lot IMO.

Jan 13, 2019

Dec 7, 2013

Jun 4, 2018
She was complaining about people talking about her ' curves ' ..... maybe Gretchen should stop wearing tight fitting dresses :hahahahah

Dec 7, 2013
Really? Good call
LOL, another self destructive nuke by the GOAT of wagering forum's biggest story teller.

Supposedly, you are a close personal friend of John Fetterman who will be moving to DC in December and will be serving on his staff. Instead of helping him with the transition, you take this critical time to sort through 2 1/2 years of posts while simultaneously posting over 100 times at different sites. You have offered to take fellow forum members on a free tour of the Capitol if they come to DC.

By the way you socially inept loner, one way to tell that you have been stung by a poster is to sift through 2 1/2 years of posts to dig up a prediction that turned out to be untrue. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings on the previous post but I'm glad it hit home. Was it the gastric bypass comment or the career change to being a narc, it's the only thing you have ever had any success.

May 15, 2022
LOL, another self destructive nuke by the GOAT of wagering forum's biggest story teller.

Supposedly, you are a close personal friend of John Fetterman who will be moving to DC in December and will be serving on his staff. Instead of helping him with the transition, you take this critical time to sort through 2 1/2 years of posts while simultaneously posting over 100 times at different sites. You have offered to take fellow forum members on a free tour of the Capitol if they come to DC.

By the way you socially inept loner, one way to tell that you have been stung by a poster is to sift through 2 1/2 years of posts to dig up a prediction that turned out to be untrue. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings on the previous post but I'm glad it hit home. Was it the gastric bypass comment or the career change to being a narc, it's the only thing you have ever had any success.
Hit home? Lmao!! It took me 5 minutes to find your pathetic posts. 90 percent about me!!

I’m not serving on his staff. I did my job. He can’t afford me.

A narc? You mean showing you fucks lie? Then you cry like bitches. Gastric bypass!! Lmao. My highest weight in life was 193????. So much for those 400 pound lies you told huh?

Dec 18, 2017
Are you better off now than when T was President?

No one is - except for the democratic radical corrupt politicians as they gave themselves another raise to 275K per year just a few months ago again...

Jun 4, 2018
@savage1 & @kingvit supporting this Crazy Bitch shows you what THEIR mental state is ?

Both of them are just fucking NUTS :squirrel:

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